Friday, March 15, 2013

Posted by jinson on 3:39 PM No comments

A few weeks ago, on a fluke, I was watching Good Morning America. I never see any grown-up programing durring the day, but the kids were sleeping late and I decided to turn on the TV. I saw a really interesting segment about the Fast Diet and started looking into it. I was intrigued, and decided to give it a go, even though I am very skeptical about "diets".

Once in my twenties I ate no sugar for 3 months.  I think I lost about 12 lbs. and gained it all back as soon as I was off the wagon.  Aside from that foray into insanity, I've never been very serious about watching what I eat.  Sure, I try to eat healthy and have veggies and fruits each day, but I also LOVE chocolate, ice cream, cookies, and of course, Mtn. Dew.  Most of our meals are completely home cooked, with just a few short-cuts and overall, well balanced.  I buy or make treats occasionally, but we're definitely not a junk-food house.  I might buy a package of cookies once a month and rarely buy chips.  Ice cream is a constant in the house though - a bad habit I learned from my dad!  I work out 2-3 times/week and try to burn a minimum of 300 calories in my workouts.  Aside from that, I'm fairly active chasing kids around and cleaning the house. 

Here's the 411:  For most of my adult life I've been a size 14.  In my early twenties I lost some weight and was a loose 12, and now after baby #4, at 33 years old, a tight 14.

I want to document my experience with the Fast Diet and offer tips, recipes and encouragement to others!  Oh, and I'd like to drop a few pounds.


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